Unexpected Repairs? No Worries! How Mechanical Breakdown Insurance Saves the Day

Unexpected Repairs? No Worries! How Mechanical Breakdown Insurance Saves the Day

Mechanical breakdown insurance is a good way to protect yourself from unexpected repairs. In the event that your car breaks down, this policy will cover all or most of the costs associated with fixing it. 

However, mechanical insurance for car isn’t cheap and not every policy can be used on every vehicle. Knowing what you're getting into before making a purchase is important!

Mechanical breakdown insurance protects against unexpected car repairs

Mechanical breakdown insurance is a type of coverage that protects you against unexpected car repairs.

Unlike other types of coverage, mechanical breakdown insurance does not require you to pay for the coverage every year or month. Instead, you pay once and then forget about it until something happens. 

When something happens, your mechanic will go through his or her normal diagnostic process (which usually involves trying various parts to fix what's broken) before coming up with a repair estimate. 

Mechanical breakdown insurance covers everything from labor costs associated with diagnosing and repairing an issue down to parts costs as well as towing charges if necessary; some policies also include roadside assistance services.

mechanical insurance NZ

Covers a wide range of repair costs

Mechanical breakdown insurance covers a wide range of repair costs, including labor, parts, and towing. It also covers you if your car breaks down due to an accident or vandalism.

In addition to mechanical insurance NZ coverage, many policies come with additional benefits that can help protect your investment in case something goes wrong:

  • Uninsured/Hit-and-Run - If another driver causes an accident with your vehicle and leaves the scene without providing contact information or insurance details (known as hit-and-run), this optional coverage will pay for damages up to the limit specified by your policy.
  • Theft Protection - If someone steals or vandalizes your car while it's parked at home or work or even if they steal it from its garage, this optional benefit will reimburse eligible expenses.
  • Flood Damage Coverage - Flood damage isn't covered under regular auto insurance policies unless you purchase this special add-on.

Variety of benefits including roadside assistance and free rental car use

Mechanical breakdown insurance is different from other types of coverage because you pay once and then forget about it until something happens. When you're covered by mechanical breakdown insurance, if your vehicle breaks down and can't be fixed on-site, we'll tow it to the nearest dealership for repairs. You'll have access to a rental car while yours is being repaired at no additional cost.

  • Covered repairs include labor, parts, and towing costs (up to 100 miles).
  • You get a variety of benefits, including roadside assistance (24/7), free rental car use, and more!


Mechanical breakdown insurance is the best way to protect yourself against unexpected car repairs. It's a good idea to check with your insurer before buying mechanical insurance NZ so that they can help you choose the right plan for your needs and budget. So, sit back relax, and select your plan of mechanical insurance.


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